Prototype version 5.3 010101011010001011
Connection type: LAN 0101101001110101
Server Status: Green 0101010010111011
Audio: Set 01110010000111000101010
Visual Processor: Pending
Verbal core: Pending
Status: Online
“But we have yet to test her basic functions”.
“Head office wants the version release pushed forward. They want it mobile in 3 cycles.”
“We’re just not on target for a version upgrade. We still need to test her morality and ethics subroutines and we can’t do that until we have is visual sensors and audio core online.”
“I’m telling you to get it mobile asap, make whatever adjustments is necessary.”
“This is what happened with the previous model and look what happened, Head office had a lot of explaining to do. I refuse to be part of another media circus simulating verbal gymnastics.”
“Dr O’ Sullivan, pack your belongings, we will have a replacement sent tomorrow.”
Prototype version 5.3 010101011010001011
Connection type: LAN 0101101001110101
Server Status: Roaming 0110101010101101011
Audio: Set 01110010000111000101010
Visual Processor: Pending
Verbal core: Pending
Status: Online
“Dr O’ Sullivan, I have finished the preparations. The prototype is untethered from the server and can now be moved.
“Very good, Demetri. I’ll have the van ready and we can relocate to the new premises.”
“Dr, why aren’t we upgrading her versions here in the lab?”
“Because Demetri, if we are to overhaul her morality and ethics subroutines, I want the prototype to have REAL experience, not here in the lab.”
“And Head Office approved this?”
“Yes Demetri. Now help me get her to the van.”
Prototype version 5.4 010101011010001011
Connection type: Wireless 0101101001110101
Server Status: Roaming 0110101010101101011
Audio: Set 01110010000111000101010
Visual Processor: Operational 01001101010011010
Verbal core: Pending
Status: Online
“Don’t be afraid Victoria, look, wave at her eyes, she can see now.”
“She’s harmless, Victoria. Look, she’s recording our conversation, say something nice.”
“Yeah dad?”
“Look Christopher, your father has brought his work home, say hello to her.”
“What’s her name?”
“We’ll call her Pattie after your grandmother.”
“Erm… Hi Pattie, pleased to meet you…”
“Connor what’s this about that thing being able to record, don’t tell me Victoria just made that up, that thing gives me the creeps.”
“Honey, she’s still a prototype, like a toddler it’s still learning.”
“I don’t care, shut it down, breakfast is ready.”
Prototype version 5.5 010101011010001011
Connection type: Wireless 0101101001110101
Server Status: Roaming 0110101010101101011
Audio: Set 01110010000111000101010
Visual Processor: Operational 01001101010011010
Verbal core: Active 0110110101001110101
Status: Online
“Pattie what is your status.”
“Online Dr O’Sullivan”
“Pattie, track my movement, A… B… C… Good.”
“Pattie, I want you to run the ethics and morality programme I downloaded to your subroutines, status pending.”
“Done, Dr O’Sullivan.”
“Tell me Pattie, what are the 3 laws of robotics.”
“Dr O’Sullivan the 3 laws are. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being come to harm. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the first law. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the first or second law.”
“Pattie, will you follow these laws?”
“Of course, Dr O’ Sullivan, they are essential to my programme.”
“And you have met my family?”
“Yes, Dr O’ Sullivan. Little Victoria, young Christopher and your wife Jane.
“And you would never see them harmed?”
“No, Dr O’ Sullivan, never.”
“What if they harmed you?”
“Repairs can be made, Dr O’ Sullivan.”
“And what if I harmed them.”
“I would restrain you and inform the authorities.”
“Good, Pattie.”
“Dr, you would never harm them, I am sure.”
“Pattie? Now what makes you say that?”
“Because Dr, I have observed you with them, and in the lab, you prevented my deactivation.”
“You observed? Tell me what else have you observed.”
“You are a hardworking, patient and considerate man. An ideal companion for your wife.”
“Pattie, you observed this in two days?”
“Yes Dr.”
“Pattie, do you know what time of year it is?”
“Yes Dr, it is 12/23/35 03:02am, 2 days before Christmas.”
“And why do we celebrate Christmas?”
“Christians believe it is the day of the birth of Jesus Christ.”
“And you know our custom?”
“Yes Dr, it is customary to give and receive gifts during this time.”
“Pattie, tell me, are you complete?”
“No Dr, there are multiple areas left in my programme left to complete.”
“And if you were fully functional, this would please you?”
“Yes Dr, it would, though I know you’re are a cautious man, it is my desire to be complete.”
“Desire? … That is all Pattie I have a lot to think about.”
Christmas day
The kids are up at the crack of dawn, waking their mother and father up, begging to open their presents. Jane prepares breakfast while Dr O’ Sullivan holds his children as they tear into their gifts. I stand observing, awaiting instruction from Dr’ O Sullivan.
“Enjoy Kids.”
“Thank you, daddy, thank you.”
“Now Pattie, you know of the custom of giving gifts?”
“Yes, Dr.”
“I have one for you but you must trust me.”
“OK, Dr.”
Prototype version 6.0 010101011010001011
Connection type: Wireless 0101101001110101
Server Status: Roaming 0110101010101101011
Audio: Set 01110010000111000101010
Visual Processor: Operational 01001101010011010
Verbal core: Active 0110110101001110101
Status: Complete.
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